The Shoshone People

Streams to the River, River to the Sea, written by Scott O’Dell, describes the life of Native American Sacagawea to be full of trial and anguish.  She was captured and sold as a slave when she is just a teenager, entered into an unwanted arranged marriage to a Frenchman, and then carried his child.  Although Scagawea’s life after being captured was not one where happiness always flourished, I can almost guarantee she did not forget where here roots were firmly planted.  That was with the people of the Shoshone Indian tribe.

Traces of the Shoshone Indian tribe can be found mostly in the Western division of the United States.  Major vicinities where this tribe resided are in California, Idaho, Nevada, Utah, and Wyoming.  To survive their diets consisted of berries, rabbits, antelope, or whatever else could be found as travels were made.  Buffalo were also hunted by many and was used as a great resource.  Not only could food come from these animals but also clothing and tools.  Skirts, aprons, pants, and jackets were all made with hunted animals.  Bones were also used to make knives and various utensils.  Just like money is of great importance to us, the Shoshone people would use horses to decide who was wealthy.  Although horses made an individual look esteemed, they were usually obtained through robbery.  Shoshone Indians were known to attack tribes and take their horses.  Not only did horses serve as transportation but as a enormous tool for trading.  For trading was nearly impossible until horses were gained.

When one really looks back onto the history of not just the Shoshone tribe, but any Indian tribe, something fascinating should be observed.  For they found ways to live off the land with skills that many could only dream of possessing


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One Comment on “The Shoshone People”

  1. Cathyleen Says:

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